Why Complaining Destroys Happiness?

Why Complaining Destroys Happiness?

Complaining is an incredibly toxic habit that can destroy happiness. In fact, it is so distasteful that if you know a complainer, you probably thought of them as soon as you started reading this article. The complainer is one person everyone tries to avoid. But what...
7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happy

7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happy

You may have read or heard of a variety of theories that guide you on how to achieve happiness. There are plenty of life coaches out there that will give you their own mantra. While these may or may not work for you, today we have armed ourselves with science to bring...
The Habits of Incredibly Happy People

The Habits of Incredibly Happy People

Happiness is not something that can be found, it has to be created. It isn’t something which happens by mere luck or can be bought through worldly riches, but it is a personal choice where you have to choose to be happy. The habits of incredibly happy people are what...
5 Steps to Becoming a Happier Person

5 Steps to Becoming a Happier Person

You would think that being happy would be the most important thing in our life, yet we all continue to prioritize other things over it. It could be your job, your spouse or social conventions, but we all tend to forgo our happiness over something else which, in...