Isometric resistance is carried out by contracting muscles against a moving object, for instance, the floor and isotonic strength requires contracting muscles using motion such as weightlifting. Both of them tone the muscles and make them stronger.
What you need to know is that you need stronger muscles to perform aerobic exercises. Experts recommend that people combine strength training with their aerobic workouts for better results.
However, it is also recommended that strength training is carried out on alternate days to prevent the overworking of muscles. Muscles need time to recover so it is important to do warm up exercises at the beginning and allow the body to cool down after the workout session ends.
Some benefits of adding strength training to your aerobics workout include:
- Strength training carried out during aerobics tones down body fat and adds more muscles. It will help you lose fat, burn calories and maintain a healthy body weight. Did you know that after reaching puberty, every person begins to lose 1 percent of bone and muscle strength every year? Strength training during aerobic workouts can reduce muscle damage and loss.
- Strength training needs to be incorporated into your aerobic routine as it helps build muscles. It is far better to train your muscles to improve aerobic performances rather than build muscles that are necessary for cardio workouts involving heavy loads.
- By adding strength training to your aerobic workout, you enhance your balance and coordination. This is necessary for a good posture. Strength training reduces the risk of falling by 40 percent as you get older.
- While doing aerobics exercises, strength training promotes cardio-respiratory fitness, musculoskeletal system health and maintains functional abilities. It also reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, back pain, and other disabilities.
- Many studies have shown that strength training during aerobics can help relieve arthritis pain as well as help women increase their bone density when they reach their pre or post-menopausal stage. The risk of bone fractures also decreases to a considerable extent.
- It alleviates mood swings and boosts energy levels. Strength training is said to increase the level of endorphins in the brain which are responsible for making you feel happy. It acts as anti-depressants, will make you feel energized and improve your quality of life. It also helps insomnia patients sleep better.
- During strength training, you are bound to lose calories to a great extent and continue to do so even after the workout ends. This process is known as physiologic homework where the metabolism increases by 15 percent helping in weight loss. The combination of resistance exercises and aerobic exercises makes one slim down faster. Experts believe that adding strength training to aerobic routine gives better results. Strength training is associated with a person’s shape, and an aerobic exercise changes the size of the muscles.
- Adding strength training to aerobics helps maintain muscles while reducing the risk of injury.
- Adding strength training to aerobics help muscles extend themselves in a full range of motion increasing body flexibility which results in a lesser risk of muscle pull and back strain.
There have been many clinical studies performed to see if there are any benefits of adding strength training to your aerobic workouts. Most studies indicate that regular strength training during aerobic exercises help people perform their everyday tasks easily. You’ll be in a better position to handle stress and have better sleeping patterns. Lean muscles diminish with age but by developing a healthy aerobic workout routine involving strength training will help preserve muscle mass and manage chronic conditions during the later stages of life.