Trying to Quit Smoking
Although there are many times when people lack the necessary awareness to make the decision that will be the most beneficial to wellness and health. This is not uncommon, and can often depend upon a number of demographic factors as well as personal experiences. In these cases, the hoped for outcome is always one that will lead to greater clarity and the ability to make a more educated choice in the future.
However, there are also many times when people already have a sense of the healthier behavior, but they still choose to follow a path that may be familiar, but far less safe. This can frequently be seen as the case with smoking, especially when what is thought to be a choice is actually a negative habit that has been learned and reinforced over time.
Knowing the Consequences
The above pattern is common to anyone who smokes, and it is unlikely that any smoker does not realize the risks they may be causing to health. This also means that non-smoking friends of the smoker can sometimes have a very difficult time in understanding why their loved one “will not” quit. Unfortunately, this attitude is not one of support, and can actually be detrimental to the person who is trying to quit.
The fact that foreknowledge of consequences is not sufficient to keep people from picking up a cigarette in the first place also gives some further insight into the nature of the addiction and why it can be so difficult to quit. Exploring these regions of motivation can also help smokers release their attachment, especially through the use of hypnosis. Smokers can call 866-863-4669 or email Joseph R. Giove at Stop Smoking Hypnosis Bay Area to take that step in the direction of the informed choice, instead of the habit.
Quitting Makes You Want to Smoke?
It is also important to realize that people who are trying to quit smoking can also be under extreme pressure regarding the endeavor. This can apply to loved ones or friends who are trying to be supportive, but to the person who is trying to quit, this care can sometimes feel like a burden of expectations. Should the person who is trying to quit smoking have a slip up, it can feel as though that individual has let others down, and the stress and anxiety then further triggers a craving.
This pressure can still be true for individuals who are trying to quit smoking for their own personal motivations. Internal evaluations can often be harder on the self than external ones, and in these cases as well, the stress of trying to quit can actually generate less successful outcomes. However, understanding that this pressure is being placed on an individual who is already searching for coping tools can also allow for a better means of trying to quit smoking.
Accepting the Process
Perhaps one of the most beneficial means of trying to quit smoking with any approach is that smokers understand that they are going through a process of unlearning what could be decades of habitually learned behaviors. In this way, smokers can also understand their initial motivations for smoking much better, and this can also lead to a more streamlined process of re-framing these motivations.
Another important thing for people who are trying to quit smoking to think about is their actual goals, both in quitting and in long-term lifestyle changes for health and wellness. The more inherent motivation that an individual is able to tap into, the more they will be able to sustain their better behavioral choices. Thus, in starting with goals that are specifically related to smoking, the person can truly evaluate their own rationale in quitting. With the inclusion of long-term health goals, people can also start to see how their choices and their health are interrelated.
The personal goals list can also provide the person who is trying to quit with insights into how the behavioral pattern became reinforced initially. This allows individuals to begin to work the actual process of letting go of their attachment to smoking and to the initial behavioral reinforcement that led to addiction in the first place. Further, it gives people who are trying to quit smoking positive tools that are based in personal goals as a means to truly connect the intent to quit with the motivation.
Taking the First Steps of the Journey
Along with setting long and short term goals when trying to quit smoking, it can also be helpful for individuals to go through a pre-quitting phase in order to prepare for life as a non-smoker. This can also be helpful because it allows the person to begin to visualize a life without cigarettes, and this can be particularly beneficial with hypnosis to stop smoking. Essentially, before actually going through the actions, people can still prepare themselves in a way that makes success likely.
Part of the pre-quitting phase should also be having a plan. This can include:
• Looking into resources to try to quit smoking
• Deciding an approach to quitting
• Setting a timeline for quitting goals
• Having healthy alternatives in place for behavioral adjustment
• Finding a positive support network, which can include groups of other non-smokers
Although each of these factors can greatly contribute to facilitating trying to quit smoking, they can also become synergistically supportive, especially when hypnosis is used for smoking cessation. This is mainly due to the fact that the above points are considering the removal of blockages to success in a manifest way, while the hypnosis provides a means of releasing blockages in an emotional and mental way.
The result is that trying to quit smoking can become a more streamlined and easier process when people take the proper measures to enact this change. Emailing or calling Joseph R. Giove at Stop Smoking Hypnosis Bay Area is an ideal first step, as it will also begin to get people who are trying to quit smoking in the right mental, and even physical, space for the pre-quitting phase.