Facts About When You Quit Smoking
Source: American Cancer Society
Within 8 Hours…
Smoker’s breath disappears.
Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.
Oxygen level in blood increases to normal.
Blood pressure and pulse rate drops to normal.
Temperature of hands and feet increase to normal.
Within 24 Hours…
Chance of heart attack decreases.
Within 48 hours…
All nicotine is eliminated from the body.
Your senses of taste and smell begin to improve.
Within 3 days…
Breathing is easier as bronchial tubes relax.
Within 3 Months…
Circulation improves.
Energy increases.
Walking becomes easier.
Lung function increases up to 30 percent.
Within 9 Months…
Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decrease.
Cilia that sweep debris from your lungs grows back increasing your ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, reduce infection.
Within 1 Year…
Risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker.
Within 2 Years…
Heart attack risk drops to near normal.
Within 5 Years…
Lung cancer death rate for average pack-a-day smoker decreases by almost half.
Stroke risk is reduced.
Risk of mouth, throat and esophageal cancer is half that of a smoker.
Within 10 Years…
Lung cancer death rate is similar to than of a person who does not smoke.
The pre-cancerous cells are replaced.
Within 15 years…
Risk of coronary heart disease is the same as a person who has never smoked.