Best Way to Quit Smoking
One of the truly impressive and beneficial outcomes of new health care trends is the raising of health literacy for the nation. Several decades prior, an initial shift in the health care system moved people into what had been the prevalent trend of personal disempowerment in wellness based on deference to medical professionals. Unfortunately, the reason that so many people have given away their own say in health is because less questions are asked about care protocols and preventive measures, which can also lessen the understanding of the actual impact of risk factors on health.
However, the current shift is not only back to education and raising awareness, but also to regaining personal power over health matters. An understandable result of this is also a greater focus on smoking cessation in communities and organizations, which also means that individuals are beginning to adopt this focus more strongly. Another result is that there are many resources a person can consider when choosing to take control of health and quit smoking.
As a result of both the better wellness awareness and the intent to make positive health changes, people will often further research options to find the best way to quit smoking. Accessing Joseph R. Giove’s Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic can provide a very strong option for success, and many individuals do find that using hypnosis to quit smoking can achieve goals, even when other methods have failed.
This does also bring up a pertinent point regarding perspectives on the best way to quit smoking, and the truth is that there is not necessarily a definitive answer. Just as every individual has their own reasons for initially starting to smoke and wanting to quit, every person will also have a different response to a variety of interventions. This can also make it important to look at several methods to quit smoking and compare benefits and response in order to achieve the best fit.
Quitting Cold Turkey
Although this is possibly the most difficult manner of quitting, it does not mean that it is not effective. This is partially due to the simplicity of the method, which is simply to no longer smoke. The reason that this can be a more difficult method for success is because there is no transition time, especially on a psychological level, to adjust to the change in behavior. Unfortunately, for many people who try to quit cold turkey, positive results may only last as long as a few days to a week.
However, it should be noted that there are a fair number of former smokers who have permanently quit simply by getting up one morning and making the choice to not have a cigarette. For certain personalities, this determination is sufficient to quit, but the majority of people feel extreme pressure with the cold turkey method, since it is a distinct all or nothing approach.
The Reduction Method
This approach to quitting smoking has fair success, and a number of former smokers find that it is effective, so long as individuals stay regimented in their process. With this form of quitting smoking, the person basically reduces the number of cigarettes that they smoke each day by a set amount, until they are no longer smoking. What is positive about this method is that it does give a span of time for physical and emotional detoxing, which can make the final transition into not smoking easier.
The negative points to this approach are usually regarding motivation and will power, which can also represent emotional blockages that are interfering with success. Further, it can be easier to “cheat” on the reduction method, as many people can begin to rationalize that they need a longer transition, especially as actual quitting draws nearer. Just as with the cold turkey method, this can be smoking cessation approach that may only be ideal for certain personalities.
Medications to Quit smoking
The use of drugs to quit smoking has become quite popular, and just like other methods, there are positives and negatives that are associated with this. First, it is important to note that smoking cessation drugs can be either nicotine or non-nicotine based. Nicotine based drugs are often just acting as cigarettes that are not being inhaled, and there can be some concern that the addiction is still present, just in a different form. Some nicotine drugs will use a step-down system to actually wean the person physically, but these drugs can become dangerous if the person decides to still have a cigarette, and they do not really address actual behaviors.
Non-nicotine drugs reduce the urge to smoke by interfering with the receptors in the brain that crave the nicotine. This can be more positive for breaking the actual addiction, but there can be unpleasant side effects for these drugs, including mood changes and dissociative events. However, there is success with these medications, although many people who are choosing to quit may not wish to add further chemicals to their body. These medications do at least take transitioning into consideration, and that can be a vital point for many people trying to enact behavioral change.
Hypnosis to Quit smoking
For some smokers, this choice is a last resort, while others may find that it is an ideal fit from the start. One of the big draws for many individuals is that hypnosis is non-invasive and non-medication, as this already supports lifestyle choices for wellness, which helps to further generate inherent motivation. With hypnosis for quitting smoking, the practitioner works with the client in order to release the mental and emotional constructs that lead to the continuation of smoking. The result is that the aspect of addiction becomes more fully addressed, but also that the individual gains better self-knowledge and empowerment in the process.
Taking the Quit Smoking Vulnerability Quiz will not only give smokers who want to quit a better picture of what hypnosis can do for them, but it can also be the first step towards a smoke-free life of wellness.