Without superhuman willpower.
Without patches, nicotine replacement, e-cigarettes or synthetic medications.
Without the endless cycle of quitting, only to be lured back in
Take a glance at the image above. Does it look like it is moving?
If you answered yes, then your brain was just tricked. Your eyes “see” movement, but it is really just a static image. Even though you now KNOW it’s not moving, it still looks like it. That’s how easy it is to fool the human brain.
That’s why magic baffles and confuses our minds. Once our perceptions have been altered, we can’t help but be captivated. We begin to believe things we KNOW to be impossible.
Unfortunately, tobacco companies have learned how to manipulate our brains in the exact same way.
They want you to believe you can stop anytime with willpower alone
They want you to believe nicotine replacements can actually help you quit
They want you to believe you will never be free
My name is Joseph Giove. Over the last 30 years, I have helped thousands of people live fuller, healthier and happier lives by combining the power of clinical hypnosis with hard science. Now, I can help you too.
Clinical Hypnosis is a substantially more permanent solutionthan anything you have ever tried because it operates at the deepest level possible. Your subconscious. With it we can dive into your brain to locate and “remove” the hooks that control your desire to smoke. Yes, that means if you really want to be free, you can be. It’s 100% safe (it was endorsed by the American Medical Association in 1958) and proven to work for ANYONE. Even if you have failed in the past…
Hypnosis when combined with neural reprogramming offers an 85%+ success rate1,2
Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience (People often compare the feeling to daydreaming)
Hypnosis has double the success rate of nicotine gum or patches2,3,4 (without replacing one bad habit with another)
Hypnosis leaves you in control 100% of the time, you cannot be made to do anything against your will & you can terminate the session at any time
Hypnosis is incredibly easy & the benefits last a lifetime
…And unlike anything else you might have tried, you can see results virtually immediately.
Can you imagine what life will be like when you are finally free?
S. Cain
Guess what? I am a former smoker.
Just wanted to reach out to say thanks. After that first shaky 48 hours, I have been great! Very little if any cravings after the first month. YEAH! You rock!
D. Lungu
It has now been a little over a year and I have not had one puff of what used to consume me.
I cannot thank you enough for your help. My life has changed dramatically, in ways I can’t explain. I will always remember what you have done for me, again, THANK YOU!
R. Stone
Unfortunately, there are no such things as magic pills in real life. Yet, Clinical Hypnosis is the closest thing to “magic” you will ever experience.
This unique system will allow you to tap into the energy stored in the subconscious of your own brain…And literally “program yourself” to not want to smoke anymore. It really doesn’t get much easier than that…
…and it’s 100% safe, guaranteed, proven by 30 years of clinical experience, and endorsed by the AMA in 1958.
7 Online Video Lessons On Overcoming Addiction (Value $500)
If you are truly going to free your mind and body from one of the most powerful addictions known to man, it’s critical you understand the science behind what’s going on in your body.
These must watch explainer videos, like mini documentaries, break down the science behind permanently removing ANY addiction (so you can live a life where cigarettes feel like a distant memory).
I will take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step through each session and milestone in this system.
These critical coaching sessions will reinforce your takeaways & make quitting easier than you ever imagined, and virtually impossible to fail.
During these clinical hypnosis sessions, we will identify the unique people, places and experiences that nicotine has attached itself to in your brain. Then, we will eliminate those attachments for good. You will be completely free from any desire to smoke.
The best part is even if your mind gets weak and you feel yourself regress, there are sessions dedicated to keeping you from falling back into the clutches of nicotine, for life!
You will wonder why you ever smoked in the first place.
I’ve designed the entire online system to have maximum impact at the deepest neurological levels to help you break free, permanently and completely. This powerful system includes all the tools you need to keep you on task while preventing confusion or overwhelm.
These tools make it easy to get results and virtually impossible to fail.
Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic includes my unique, never-before offered Lifetime Access Program.
You get unlimited, lifetime access to the Quit Smoking Online system, bonuses, and follow-up sessions at no charge, with no time limit.
Which means if you ever feel the urge to start smoking again, or need help reducing your stress, whether it’s one month, one year or even ten years later, just log back into your Quit Smoking Online system for a refresh.
It’s been 4 months and I am still completely amazed with the results.
I still can’t believe how easy it is for me not to smoke, there is just no compulsion. The hypnosis session has paid for itself twice already with the money I have saved from quitting smoking. It was the easiest thing in the world.”
N. Devengenzo
Just thought I’d let you know, 1 year today – SMOKE FREE.
I cannot thank you enough for your help. My life has changed dramatically, in ways I can’t explain. I will always remember what you have done for me, again, THANK YOU!
R. Stone
Anyone with an I.Q. of 70 or greater can be hypnotized.
In 28 years I’ve never encountered someone who wanted to be hypnotized who couldn’t. If you want to be hypnotized to free yourself of smoking and nicotine in any form, then you will be hypnotized.
Once your subconscious mind is reprogrammed to satisfy its cravings for what it really wants, cravings will disappear.
Not unless you want to. Remember, you are going to be reprogrammed to replace smoking with a healthy alternative, not food.
The effects clinical hypnotic creates in the Quit Smoking Online system last a lifetime, and is an easy and enjoyable experience.
Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience. It feels more like a trance, rather than being unconscious, like a driving trance, or being highly absorbed in something and tuning out everything else.
A strong will actually enhances hypnotic effectiveness. You cannot be made to do anything against your will; my clinical hypnosis system empowers your will, and breaks down the barriers to actually expressing the object of your will.
No. Clinical or therapeutic hypnosis is not like stage hypnosis for entertainment. I do not take control of you or make you do things you don’t want to do. I help you to take control back from the domination and control of nicotine addiction. You are always in control while in hypnosis and will remember everything you want to.
Quit Smoking Online includes my unique, never-before offered Lifetime Assurance Program.
The Lifetime Assurance Program is simple. You get unlimited, lifetime access to the Quit Smoking Online system, bonuses, and follow-up sessions at no charge, with no time limit. Which means if you ever feel the urge to start smoking again, whether it's one month, one year or even ten years later, just log back into your Quit Smoking Online system for a refresh.
Quit Smoking Online comes with a 60-Day Money Back guarantee. If, after completing the program, you desire a refund, simply contact our support staff with your request. After we verify you’ve completed the program we will issue a prompt and full refund.
Have you ever taken the time to really do the math?
A nicotine addiction is incredibly expensive. We are talking up to $4600 per year. And that’s if you only smoke ONE pack a day. If you smoke more, the numbers get even uglier.
What would you do with an extra $4600 per year?
That means even if this system would cost you $2,300, it would be well worth it.
...But for a limited time you can get full access to the complete “Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic” System for just $197 today.
You will make your investment back in less than a month of not buying cigarettes. That’s about 53 cents a day.
In other words, for less than the cost of one cigarette a day you can be free forever!
Every day you allow nicotine to continue poisoning you, the physical damage it does to your lungs, heart and skin gets worse.
Everyday you delay your escape, you continue to dump money into Big Tobacco’s pockets…while they continue to l lie to you and pocket the profits
Right now, you can transform your life and take back control for much less than the cost of cigarettes for a month. Which means, if you are ready to be free, this is the logical next step.
Are you ready to take control back?
Get Instant Access To “Quit Smoking Online” Now
Total Value $3,200 – Your Price $297Now Just $197 or Two Payments of $104
P.S. Still skeptical? Feel like you have tried everything before and failed? This program is designed just for you.
The easiest way to escape your nagging loved ones, nagging cough, and nagging worry that one day you will fall victim to the smoking-induced lung diseases and cancers that claim so many, is to remove the parasitic addiction in your brain for good.
My online program also comes with lifetime of support and could lead you to the freedom and good health you deserve…without lingering cravings or desires. The choice is yours…
© Copyright 2001 - 2020 Joseph Giove
The contents of this site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained are for informational purposes only. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.