Glance at the circular image. Does it look like it's moving?
If you answered yes, then your brain was just tricked. Your eyes “see” movement, but it really is a static image. Even though you now KNOW it’s not moving, it still looks like it. That’s how easy it is to fool the human brain.
That’s why magic baffles and confuses our minds. Once our perceptions have been altered, we can’t help but be captivated. We begin believing things we KNOW to be untrue.
Nicotine manipulates our brains in exactly the same way.
That’s why it’s not your fault.
Your brain is simply confused at an unconscious level.
Once your brain is “reset” to the way it was before you smoked…
You CAN Be Free!
Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic includes my unique, Lifetime Assurance Program. You get unlimited, lifetime access to the Quit Smoking Online system, clinical hypnotic sessions, stress mastery sessions and bonuses, at no charge, with no time limit.
Clinical Hypnosis is a natural state that EVERYONE can experience. People often compare the feeling to daydreaming or a driving trance.
Clinical Hypnosis leaves you in control 100% of the time, you cannot be made to do anything against your will & you can terminate the session at any time.
Private, Personalized, Remote Coaching To Help You Quit
Joseph will help you quit any kind of nicotine or cannabis addiction: cigarettes, vaping, spliffs, gum, lozenges, chew, patches, and nasal spray. Joseph’s private coaching program amplifies your success in quitting by interacting with you personally, privately, and remotely, and personalizing your critical quit-day session.
The Private Coaching program includes the complete Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic.
How It Works
First step in the Private Coaching program is an initial phone consultation with Joseph. Then through interactive assessments and emails in the Private Coaching members area, he will help you prepare for your quit day as you progress through Sessions One, Two, and Three of the Virtual Clinic.
Through this interaction and pacing of your progress, Joseph will then customize your powerful quit-day clinical hypnosis session.
With your planned quit day, call Joseph’s clinic and schedule your live 75-minute, one-on-one phone, Skype or Zoom "Freedom Session" with Joseph. This live session is then edited and delivered to you via email as an MP3 audio recording.
Hi, I’m Joseph Giove.
In the last 30 years, I have helped thousands of people worldwide defeat addiction and quit smoking by combining the power of neural reprogramming with neuroscience.
My background working with NASA and heading a biomedical research firm gave me a unique perspective on how our brains and bodies work together for optimal health and recovery.
This experience allowed me to develop a unique approach to mind-body wellness. One that allows you to accomplish virtually any goal by tapping into the energy stored in your subconscious…and basically “programming yourself” to do it.
You already have everything you need to quit smoking. I’m just here to help you unlock it.
Anyone with an I.Q. of 70 or greater can be hypnotized.
In 28 years I’ve never encountered someone who wanted to be hypnotized who couldn’t. If you want to be hypnotized to free yourself of smoking and nicotine in any form, then you will be hypnotized.
Once your subconscious mind is reprogrammed to satisfy its cravings for what it really wants, cravings will disappear.
Not unless you want to. Remember, you are going to be reprogrammed to replace smoking with a healthy alternative, not food.
The effects clinical hypnotic creates in the Quit Smoking Online system last a lifetime, and is an easy and enjoyable experience.
Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience. It feels more like a trance, rather than being unconscious, like a driving trance, or being highly absorbed in something and tuning out everything else.
A strong will actually enhances hypnotic effectiveness. You cannot be made to do anything against your will; my clinical hypnosis system empowers your will, and breaks down the barriers to actually expressing the object of your will.
No. Clinical or therapeutic hypnosis is not like stage hypnosis for entertainment. I do not take control of you or make you do things you don’t want to do. I help you to take control back from the domination and control of nicotine addiction. You are always in control while in hypnosis and will remember everything you want to.
Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic includes my unique, never-before offered Lifetime Assurance Program.
The Lifetime Assurance Program is simple. You get complete, unlimited, lifetime access to the Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic system and bonuses with no time limit. Which means if you need help reducing stress or anxiety, or feel the urge to start smoking again, whether it's one month, one year or even ten years later, just log back into your Quit Smoking Online Virtual Clinic for a refresh.
P.S. Still skeptical? Feel like you have tried everything before and failed? This program is designed just for you.
The easiest way to escape your nagging loved ones, nagging cough, and nagging worry that one day you will fall victim to smoking-induced lung diseases and cancers that claim so many, is to remove the mental addiction in your brain for good.