To ensure our emails will reach your inbox, please add or to your inboxes whitelist, also known as Approved or Safe Sender list.

Just follow the instructions below...


  1. Click Contacts on the left side of your inbox.
  2. Click the New Contact icon and add
  3. Click Add Contact at the bottom.

Apple Mail

  1. Click Mail → Preferences → Rules.
  2. Click Add Rule.
  3. Add “Whitelist” in the description field.
  4. Set the first dropdown to “any” so that your first condition says “If any of the following conditions are met.”
  5. In the next two dropdown menus, add “From” in the first, and “Ends with” in the second.
  6. Add “” in the text field after “Ends with.”
  7. Set your dropdowns to “Move Message” to the “mailbox:Inbox:” in the “Perform the following actions” section.
  8. Click Ok.


  1. Open Gmail, click the Settings icon from the menu → Settings.
  2. Click Filters and Blocked Addresses → Create a new filter.
  3. In the “From” field, add
  4. Click Create filter then select “Never send it to Spam.”
  5. Click Create filter again to finish the process.

Microsoft Outlook 2019

  1. Open Outlook and go to the “Home” tab.
  2. In the “Delete” group, click Junk → Junk E-mail Options.
  3. Go to the Safe Senders tab and click Add.
  4. In the “Add address or domain” dialog box, add
  5. Click OK and confirm appears in your safe senders list.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right → click Options.
  2. Click Safe and blocked senders in the “Preventing junk email” section.
  3. Click Safe senders → enter “” → click Add to list.

Yahoo! Mail

  1. Go to the “Settings menu” and click Settings.
  2. Click Filters → Add.
  3. Add
  4. Select “Inbox” as the folder to deliver the mail to and click Save.
